Author's posts

The Science of Software Analysis

Software analysis is a systematic and structured process within the software development lifecycle that focuses on understanding, defining, and refining the requirements and objectives of a software project. It involves studying the problem domain, identifying user needs, and creating a clear understanding of what the software needs to accomplish. Software analysis lays the foundation for …

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Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping is an approach in software and game development that focuses on quickly creating functional prototypes of a product to test and validate ideas, concepts, and design decisions. Unlike traditional development methods, which may involve extensive planning and design before implementation, rapid prototyping prioritizes speed and experimentation. The primary goal is to gather valuable …

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Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile software development methodology known for its emphasis on technical excellence, customer collaboration, and rapid iteration. XP was created in the late 1990s to address the challenges of traditional software development processes by promoting a set of practices that aim to increase efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. At the heart …

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Scrum is a popular and widely adopted agile framework that revolutionized the way software development projects are managed. At its core, Scrum is designed to enhance collaboration, flexibility, and responsiveness within development teams to deliver high-quality products efficiently. This methodology operates on a structured yet adaptable approach, dividing the project timeline into time-bound iterations called …

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Lean is a philosophy and methodology that originated in manufacturing and has been adapted to various industries, including software development and project management. The core principle of Lean is to maximize value while minimizing waste, emphasizing efficiency, continuous improvement, and delivering customer-centric outcomes. In the context of software development and product creation, Lean principles aim …

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