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Racquet AlphaZone Part 3: Game Design Document

Game Title «Racquet AlphaZone» Objective Our objective is to recreate the classic Pong game with one user-controlled player and one AI opponent, incorporating power-ups. Target Platform PC/Mac Gameplay Mechanics Paddle Movement The player’s paddle is user-controlled. It moves up with the ‘W’ key and down with the ‘S’ key. Movement is constrained to ensure the …

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Data Design

Data design, also known as database design, is a crucial aspect of software architecture that focuses on defining the structure, organization, and relationships of data within a software system. Effective data design ensures that data is stored, accessed, and managed in an efficient, secure, and meaningful way. Key Concepts in Data Design Data Entities These …

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Software Performance

In software design, performance refers to the efficiency and speed with which a software system responds to user requests and processes data. It’s an essential attribute that directly influences user satisfaction, system usability, and operational costs. Well-performing software ensures timely results, minimizes resource consumption, and can handle many requests or a significant volume of data …

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Software Security

Software security refers to the discipline of implementing processes, methodologies, and tools to design, develop, and maintain software applications that are resistant to unauthorized access, attacks, or malfunctions. It encompasses practices to prevent vulnerabilities, thwart malicious attacks, and protect valuable data by integrating security measures throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC). As cyber threats evolve, …

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Software architecture

Software architecture is a critical aspect of the software design process that focuses on defining the high-level structure and organization of a software system. It serves as a blueprint that outlines how different components of the system will interact, how data will flow between them, and how the system will achieve its functional and non-functional …

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